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Are you interested in hosting a summer undergrad in your lab? Please respond by Friday, 3/8

Dear Colleagues,


ITMAT offers a mentored 10-week immersion program to undergraduates from local colleges/universities, the University of Puerto Rico, and several HBCUs. You can learn more about the program here.


If you are interested in having an ITMAT undergrad student work with you this summer on a translational research project please provide the information requested in the brief application and submit by no later than Friday, March 8th. You will hear from us in March regarding next steps.


If you have any questions, please contact Carsten Skarke, MD at


With best wishes, 



Emma A. Meagher, MD
Senior Vice Dean, Clinical & Translational Research, Perelman School of Medicine
Vice President, University of Pennsylvania Health System
O: 215-662-2174 | C: 610-639-5538 /

Please send any questions to Carsten Skarke, MD (