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Celebrating 20 years of BioEYES!


This week marks the 20th anniversary of Project BioEYES engaging students AS SCIENTISTS! Guided by the same scientific approach we share with our students and teachers, the BioEYES team prides itself on continuous adaptation and learning.

Our leaders rigorously evaluate student outcomes and use these insights to improve program design. We have published peer-reviewed studies finding that BioEYES effectively increases students' content knowledge and produces favorable shifts in students' attitudes in the Journal of STEM Outreach and PLOS (Public Library of Science) Biology.

In addition, Drs. Shuda and Farber have been recognized with numerous awards for their work establishing and developing Project BioEYES over the last two decades, including the 2018 Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence by the Genetics Society of America (GSA) for "extraordinary contributions to genetics education" and the 2020 Bruce Alberts Award for Excellence in Science Education from the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) for "sustained and excellent contributions to science education".


For more information, please visit the BioEYES website at: and support us in reaching the next generation by sponsoring a child today. #bioeyes #whenfishgotoschool #pennstem #stemed #stemeducationforkids


Click here for Project BioEYES Gift Fund

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