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ODC Rare Disease Day Contest

Calling all Medical and Graduate Students, Postdocs 
and Young Investigators in Rare Disease Research! 
Prospective research or clinician scientists interested in rare diseases are welcome, too!
The Orphan Disease Center (ODC) invites you to participate in our Rare Disease Day #ODCShareYourRare competition! 
We want you to share your rare disease research efforts on social media, in any format you choose! Post a video, create a poster, write a song, poem, or short story, paint, photograph, create a reel… the options are endless!   Share your creation on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok) using hashtag #ODCShareYourRare by February 14th and help us spread the word about your rare disease research, or about the importance of Rare Disease Day in general.
The Top three winners will win a CASH prize (up to $500) and will be invited to participate in a virtual symposium on Rare Disease Day (Feb. 28th)

Please send any questions to