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Call for Applications: Directors for New Measey STeP to Residency Pathway Program at PSOM

We seek applications for two Co-Directors for the Measey Specialty Transition to Residency Program (STeP to Residency). The Measey STeP to Residency is an exciting new curricular initiative generously supported by the Measey Foundation via a three year grant of over one million dollars. 


The goal of the Measey STeP to Residency Program is to better prepare students in their final year of medical school for residency training and their future roles as physicians by:


1. Providing a required, 9-month structured longitudinal program (Sept-May) to help graduating medical students prepare for specialty specific roles and responsibilities.

2. Revisiting the basic sciences in the final year of medical school with a focus on topics that are relevant to future practice.

3. Applying skills in health systems sciences, quality improvement and evidence-based medicine to prepare students for residency.

4. Promoting the fourth year of medical school as an opportunity to facilitate the transition from UME to GME with relevant experiences providing feedback on competencies and honing the skills of the developing master adaptive learner through coaching.


There will be two Pathway Program Directors, one with a surgical/procedural specialty background and one with a non-procedural background.  Together, the Co-Directors will be responsible for creating, implementing and evaluating the Measey Specialty Transitions to Residency Program. The Pathway Program Directors will help develop the pathway and will be responsible for coordinating all activities related to the program. They will report jointly to the Associate Dean for Clinical Curriculum and Health System Science (Nadia Bennett, MD MEd) and the Associate Dean for Student Success and Professional Development (Jennifer Kogan, MD) as well as the Senior Vice Dean for Education (Suzi Rose MD Med). Faculty support is 10% FTE for each director position.


Please see attached information for details and preferred qualifications.

Faculty interested in applying should submit their CV and a letter of interest to Ashley Kim, Coordinator Student Affairs: by January 7th 2022.

Please send any questions to Jennifer Kogan: